Showing posts with label iOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iOS. Show all posts

Friday, 2 May 2014

Office Lens - Microsoft's mobile scanner

Office Lens works like a scanner with your mobile phone. It enhances pictures taken through your cell phone camera. You can convert documents, notes, expense bills to neat scanned copies and save them to One Note.

Obviously, there are a lot of available software that can perform the same job for free and can be used on multiple devices. However, the main appeal for Lens is its integration with Office applications.

Pictures from Lens are directly saved to One Note and using Office Online we can use them on multiple devices (actually any device with an internet connection). And since Microsoft Office is very much part of our daily lives it becomes easy to use the data.

Examples -
1. Whiteboard data during meetings can be easily re-used to create presentations
2. Restaurant bills can be easily converted to create expense claims.
3. Hard copies of multiple documents can be collected together and can be searched through for specific keywords using OCR.

But these are just a few of the examples that I could think of.

Lastly, Lens is now available on iDevices and hopefully will come up in PlayStore soon.

For more details -

Friday, 1 June 2012

SharePoint on Android/iOS Tablets

The tablet market is expanding by every passing day and honestly, the experience it has created for users is "Amazing". Tablets are here to stay and we have to adapt to this new device as soon as possible.

Being involved with SharePoint and sharing views of many SharePoint professionals, I think we have to start making SharePoint "Tablet-friendly". You would argue that SharePoint being a server-side technology, hosted on a web server can be browsed using the web browsers available in these tablets.That is very correct, but a SharePoint site browsed through a portable device gives very limited capabilities. Customers expect to leverage SharePoint to fully use the tablet experience. That is what will make them fully enjoy SharePoint's power.

There are various applications already available in the stores of Apple and Android powered tablets that can interact seamlessly with SharePoint and give users a rich experience. I have listed some of them below:

  1. Formotus
  2. SharePlus
  3. Mobile Entree
They offer quite different range of capabilities.

Also, you can create your own custom application using the following platforms:
  1. Phone Gap - It is HTML 5 based and uses HTML, JavaScript for application creation
  2. Mono - Makes the .NET libraries available over multiple platforms.